Tuesday 7 June 2016

Assignment 2: My Film Poster and Storyboard

Storyboard information

Shot no. = a number (in order) of every shot.

Type of shot = Extreme long shot (E.L.S)
                            Longshot (L.S) 
                            Medium longshot (M.L.S) 
                            Medium shot (M.S)
                            Medium close up (M.C.U)
                            Close up (C.U) 
                            Extreme close-up (E.C.U)

High angle - Looks down on subject
Low angle - Looks up on subject
Crane - Camera mounted on crane
Helicopter - Camera mounted on flying machine
Steadicam - Camera is mounted on human in a ‘floating’ rig


Dialogue = Not every world spoken. It is the start point and end point in the scripted scene. E.g. “My mind has”… “Just one kiss.”

Sound =
Diegetic sound: All the ‘noises’ the actor in the film can hear.

Non-diegetic sound: All the ‘noises’ added by the filmmaker (Music/sound effects).

Example 1:
Actor listens to car radio: Diegetic
Example 2:
The car explodes: Diegetic
Example 3:
The smoke settles - an ‘oboe’ plays a sad tune – with a piano – Non- diegetic.
Example 4:
Suddenly Tom Cruise comes back to life using his regeneration ring. A ‘wub wub wub’ sound is heard: Non – diegetic

Music = Type of music playing:
None/continues: Music and sound can stop or continue or not happen at all.

Timings = Exact length of shot in seconds (2 secs, 3s)
They may need to all add up (20 seconds)

Edit = How the shots change into the next shot:

* Jump cut: Straight into the next

My horror movie poster and film poster SA are located at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8ZySk5Tj5jCLUpfVWo1SklSTVE

Draft 2

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